Monday, March 14, 2016

Top 10 Reasons Why Nigerians Hate Rainy Season


In Nigeria as well as in most part of Africa there are only two seasons in a year: the dry season and the rainy season. The rainy season has several benefits to Nigerians. The first benefit is that the fertile Nigerian land, which needs the rain in other to grow food and other agricultural produce.
Likewise, the weather condition could be so hot during the dry season that it causes skin burn to those who are exposed to its elements; and great discomfort to people in confined spaces without working air conditioner/ fan. Nigerians therefore are glad when the rains come and cool the atmosphere and lowers the temperature to a human-friendly level.
Similarly, Nigerians enjoy the absence of dust which plagues the nation during the dry season. At the peak of dry season when dust covers entire buildings cars and wherever air can enter; Nigerians begins to earnestly ask for rain. But this love for rain is short lived. Ironically once the rainy season oblige to the wish of the people and begins to send its “showers of blessings” in quick succession, Nigerians begin to express their dislike for the rain.
Here are the top 10 reasons why Nigerians hate rainy season:

1. Flooding

Flooding has become a major issue in Nigeria. Residence of states located on the banks of River Niger and River Benue hold their hearts in their hands as the water do overflow their banks sometimes during the rainy season, destroying properties worth billions of dollars. Claiming several human lives and leaving many more without a roof over their heads. Some parts of Lagos and other Nigerian cities are flooded after heavy rain and the floods sometimes flow into some residential houses, thus rendering many people homeless.

2. Restriction on movement

Nigerians are outgoing people and do not like anything that restricts their movement. During the rainy season, the people’s movement is adversely affected. To avoid being soaked in the rain, people prefer to stay at home. Also, Nigerian youths do not consider it fashionable to walk around with umbrellas in anticipation of rain and most do not leave their home with one.

3. Upsurge in malaria and other sickness

There is an increase in malaria sickness during the rainy season. This is a big concern to parents of growing children as a couple may discover that all their children are down with malaria at the same time. Health experts say malaria is spread by mosquito and mosquitoes breed on stagnant water which is in abundance during the rainy season. According to the Nigerian Ministry of Health (MOH), malaria is responsible for 60 percent outpatients visit to health facilities.

4. Restriction on open space festivals and celebrations

Nigerians are not great fans of indoor celebrations. They prefer their festivals and celebrations such traditional marriage, burials and diverse traditional dance festivals taking place in an open space. Euphoria of such open space celebration is like a healing balm to the people as they dance away their sorrows and renew their happiness. It is so frustrating and embarrassing to Nigerians when such celebrations are disrupted by the rain.

5. Decrease in market sales

Balogun Market
Marketing experts have rightly said that ‘sales’ is the lifeblood of any business. During the rainy season the sales of goods and services moves down to its lowest point. Traders, small scale industrialists and business ventures find it difficult to meet their financial obligation during the rainy season.

6 Messy Environment

messy enviroment
The rainy season is not a time to go for sightseeing even when it is not raining because the scenic beauty which nature has bestowed on our landscape is dented at this time. The environment are littered with wastes carried by flood from one place to another.

7. Difficulties in drying clothes after laundry

Nigeria is blessed with plenty of sunshine that explains why majority depend on the heat which comes direct from the sun to dry their clothes after laundry. Many Nigerians especially in the rural areas, also depends on it to preserve their foods and agricultural produce. This is very difficult to achieve during the rainy season when the sun hides its face and only give half-hearted smiles once in a while.

8. Disintegration of building structures

‘Building collapse’ happens mainly during the rainy season. Exposure to water from the rain and flood on the foundation aids in the collapse of the buildings, especially in water-logged and flooded areas of the city and even in rural areas.

9. Poor agricultural yields

The farmlands need water from the rain to grow crop plants, thus the farmers hearts are gladdened by the sight of the early rain. But the farmers soon become worried when the rain comes in torrents, days at a stretch. This is because most Nigerian crop plants do not do well when there is excessive water at the roots. Another irony, even Nigerian farmers hate the rainy season

10. Erosion


Erosion is a gigantic problem in Southern Nigeria. Many communities have been washed off by gully erosion. Access roads to many villages and communities have been cut into two by erosion. Erosion is caused by flowing waters from rainfall; therefore, Nigerians living in erosion prone areas hate the rainy season.


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